AWS Startup Academy: Innovation at Amazon
Apply Amazon innovation mechanisms into your startup. Learn how we structure teams for autonomy and speed and how we decide where to focus engineering efforts by 'working backwards' from our customers.
Apply Amazon innovation mechanisms into your startup. Learn how we structure teams for autonomy and speed and how we decide where to focus engineering efforts by 'working backwards' from our customers.
Op 30 juni staat ‘Reststroomverwaarding’ centraal tijdens de eerste Meet-up van AgriFoodInnovation van dit jaar. Daar nodigen we jou en al onze netwerkpartners uit Brabant en daarbuiten heel graag voor uit! Naast kennis delen, ervaringen uitwisselen, nieuwe contacten leggen en businesskansen verkennen, duiken we samen in de thematiek 'Reststroomverwaarding en het tegengaan van voedselverspilling. Brabant…
Ons programma voor 30 juni is rond en maken wij hierbij graag bekend. Naast kennis delen, ervaringen uitwisselen, nieuwe contacten leggen en businesskansen verkennen, duiken we samen in de thematiek 'Reststroomverwaarding en het tegengaan van voedselverspilling'. 13.30 u: Ontvangst en registratie | koffie, thee en lekkers 14.00 u: Welkom en opening door gespreksleider Elske Verbraak…
BrainBloC data & experience lab. In hub Twinning op de TU/e campus Is afgelopen jaar een heel tof BrainBloc data & experience lab opgezet voor datagedreven organiseren. Binnen dit experience lab is er vooral aandacht voor ecosystemen rondom digitalisering, internet of things (sensoring), blockchain, artificial intelligence, de digitale lopende band en nieuwe business- en operating models.…
The Netherlands needs innovative solutions for urgent social issues. We want to create these solutions together with innovative entrepreneurs like you. Startup in Residence The Startup in Residence programme supports innovative entrepreneurs. We help you develop your solution and find your launching customer in the public sector. Follow a development path with training and mentoring…
We’re getting ready for another cool pitch event, Draper’s Silicon Fall Pitch Prize. FruitPunch AI won the “Golden Ticket” at last year’s event, which included an all-expenses-paid trip to Silicon Valley and Draper University’s five-week Hero Training Program. This ultimate Silicon Valley accelerator experience is designed to provide founders with the skills, mindset and network…
NOTE: This is a live event and it will not be livestreamed. Drinks, Pitches & Demos is the monthly startup community event linking innovation expertise, resources and networks across innovation hotspots in Brainport Eindhoven. Pitch your story and own the podium. Join the fun! It is the perfect knowledge-sharing platform to advertise your new project,…
During the Grand Finale the best teams will give a one-minute pitch about their entrepreneurial idea or innovative prototype. After the pitches, a few teams will participate in the Q&A session were the grand jury asks in depth questions. The afternoon will end with an award ceremony and a bunch of ecstatic students.
Ondernemer, BNR columist en veel gevraagd spreker Jim Stolze (Wie is Jim Stolze? – Jim StolzeOpent in nieuw venster) neemt je mee in de wereld van de digitale transformatie. Hij geeft antwoorden op vragen als; wat gebeurt daar? Welke impact heeft dit op mijn onderneming? Nu en in de toekomst. En welke kansen liggen er…
Are you already familiar with the 'Expert Hours'? 👀 Ask all your IP, Legal, Data & AI or Accountancy questions to experts in the field! Book an online, free 1-on-1 on, with one of the available experts below: 📊 EY 🦾 JADS Playground 🤝 Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) 👩🏽💼 VDT Advocaten 📆 Two…
Are you developing a complex healthtech technology or a deeptech solution you'd like to bring to the healthcare market? We are opening up the top-rated session from's Pole Position programme for all of you! Discover many things you did not realise you did not know. The knowledge gained during this session will help you…
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